Monday, June 15, 2009

The law of attraction in internet marketing....

Hype or fact?

We all hear everyday about "The Law Of Attraction". How it is used by many to pull in massive sales.

To be honest we all already know how to use the law in everyday life. Attracting friends, or a mate, so why should internet marketing be any different?

The answer is it shouldn't!

The problem is not many of us know how to use the law in a sales environment. Those that do have exploded onto the sales scene! What did they change to be able to do this? How did they bend the law to their will?

The secret is quite simple! They are the type of people that seem to have confidence pouring out of them. They seem to have knowledge of every aspect of what they do.

They are also the ones who know when to be "Real" and when to be a "salesperson".

People today are more then willing to buy what you have to sell. The problem is they are not willing to be SOLD. People today need to know that you are a real person, not just another marketer looking for a buck or two from them. They have to relate to you as a person above all else! If they are able to relate to you in that way then they will be more apt to purchase from you.

Think of it this way.

When you go into lets say a nice department store. You are going there for just one thing...lets say a new LCD TV. You know what you want and how much it is because you have had your eye on it for quite awhile now. So you are heading to where the TV's are and you happen to see a 18V cordless drill on sale. You stop to read and see the features. You already know you are not there for that but the P.O.P ad is eye catching. So you are reading away when a salesperson comes up and starts talking to you and trying to close the sale. How do you feel about that person right at that point? Do you buy the drill and skip the TV? Do you feel frustrated? Annoyed?

Just imagine how people on the internet feel when you do the same thing to them! Try to close a sale when they don't know you from Jack! To them at that point you are just another underpaid, over chatty, salesperson who only cares about his/her bottom line and not THEIR happiness!

My suggestion to you is this!
Get to know your potential customers. Find out what they want, and deliver that to them, not just what YOU think they need! You will get a lot more sales if you are the guy or gal who delivers the goods, not just another salesperson!

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