Saturday, June 20, 2009

Giveaways Galore!

"You said what????"

That is right I said it.

Giveaways are everywhere right now. Some good, and some not so good! I am involved in just a few at this time as a contributor. I am kind of picky as to who's giveaway I will contribute to at this time. You see I am trying to build awareness of my name and what I have to offer. I am not trying to go out and just get a list of people and continuously send them email after email to try to get them to buy something from me! I want people to get to know me first!

So yeah I am a bit picky over who's giveaway I join up in. With good reason mind you!

Jason James, Scott Case, Scott Drake, Jason Parker, Harold Bryant, Roy Fielding, Jerry Plumlee, Russell Brunson, are all names I trust in hosting a giveaway. They are marketers I have come to trust and respect! Yes I know it is hard to trust people who's job it is to SELL.

So how can a giveaway help you?

Pretty simple really. You get a ton of stuff free that would otherwise cost a small fortune! Yes you have to give in and sign up to a list to get the "product", but there are ways around having your main inbox chock full of marketing offers. One way is to get a email account from a web mail provider like Google. Then just use the google email account address when you sign up. Your primary address in spared the marketing emails, and you get great stuff to help you be a better marketer (ebooks, software, graphics) in whichever niche you are in. You can even just go and get them for your personal use if you like.

OK, so here is the 'pitch" in this post.

Like I said, I am in a few of the current giveaways. I need YOUR HELP in one of them. I have the chance to have a giveaway site designed and promoted by the hosts of this giveaway. To do this I have to be the top referer of new members. Heres the link!

The Massive Summer Giveaway

I know this is a lot to ask. if you folow what i said in the other paragraph then you will spare your inbox, and help out a fellow person to get thier business off the ground. One more time!

The Massive Summer Giveaway

"Five minutes of ones time is a small price to pay for an others happiness!" -Unknown

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