Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Week-end Review

Just a quick recap of this weeks posts!

The Law Of Attraction In Internet Marketing:
I covered what the Law has to do with it. I also stated that to be a better salesperson one should get to know the client and their needs.

IMHO They will be more apt to buy from someone they consider a friend rather then a "salesperson".

The American Motto:
In this post I covered a bit of news I found on twitter. Two post offices in Texas were ordered to take down signs which stated the American motto "In God We Trust". I kind of went on a tangent after that! Quite a good read so I am told.

Did somebody say TORNADO?:
What a day that was! A spawning tornado passed right over our house! A bit of damage and some really scary wind and lightning!

On this day I reflected upon my life! Came up with a new quote able at the same time!
"Reflection is the ability to look at where you have been, and see where you should have gone!"
I realized upon reflection that GOD had as much faith in me as I had in Him!

FaceBook VS MySpace:
In this post I did a quick comparison of the two mega giants in social networking. Kind of a an information piece but also a bit of comedy mixed in!

Giveaways Galore:
In this post I touched on the new fad in internet marketing, "Giveaways"! I gave you the inside info and a list of people I trust that host these events!
I also asked for a bit of help from my friends! I would still love to win the contest so here is the link one more time!
The Massive Summer Giveaway

Hope your weekend was better then mine! I had to work LOL Until next time!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
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