Thursday, June 18, 2009


Where to start? How about a new quote i just thought up today?

"Reflection is the ability to look at where you have been, and see where you should have gone!"

We all reflect upon our lives. It is human nature to do so. The question is, should we?

I guess the next question should be, Fate or Destiny?

Are our lives controlled by some master plan? Or are we just winging it? Shaping our lives by the choices we make!

Now it comes down to a question of Faith!

This is a topic i have avoided for some time.

Being raised a Roman Catholic, I can say, I was raised with FAITH. However I can also say it is a denomination I will not force my children to follow.

You see I do have FAITH in GOD. I have FAITH in JESUS. I even have FAITH is some of the people in my life.

What I also have is FREE WILL. I have the right to choose. The choices I make affect my life and those around me. My FATE lies in the choices I make! While I know GOD is guiding me, I also know HE allows me to make choices to test me, and see if I make the choices HE would want me to.

When I reflect upon my life I can see the crossroads where i have made choices. I can see the tests I have passed, and the ones I have failed. I can also see that GOD has not given up on me. He continues to guide me even though I have made mistakes.

In total reflection of my life I can see. GOD has as much FAITH in ME as I have in HIM!
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