Friday, November 13, 2009

Political Correctness

Hey all;
Sorry i have not posted in a while! Been on the road trying to find work. Not much luck for me!

O.K, so on to the post.

A very good friend of mine posted a comment on facebook. It got me to thinking. That is very dangerous, because once i get on to something i don't let up! Here is the comment!

" Do we take America back or do we back down to "Political Correctness"? I think NOT! Sometimes people will just get their feelings hurt, So what.... Get over it! It's a diverse nation, You can't please everyone! "

Thanks D... Really good fuel for thought!

So now on to my thoughts.

First of all...America does not even really belong to Us! Yes you heard me right! It belongs to the natives! We are all immigrants is some shape or fashion! Our forefathers stole the native's lands! So instead of taking America back...I think we should give it back. We need to include Native Americans in the decision process! Yes they get to vote! They get funds from us. BUT if we were to take a sampling of our governing body...very FEW of the Native Nations are directly represented!

We need to ask WHY!

Until we address this fundamental flaw in how our shared nation is represented we can never have "Political Correctness"!

I am not proud of our forefathers..well let me correct that statement. I am not proud of what one half of my forefathers did!
I am VERY proud of the other half of my forefathers. They tried to resist...they fought for what had been theirs for thousands of years! Yes they lost..but at least they tried!

We have all kinds of social rules to tell us how to be "Politically Correct".

Back in the days of our forefathers there were no set rules. There were however customs. These were passed down through each tribes elders. As they passed them down to the younger members of the tribe they in turn passed them along to their children. Thus insuring that the customs were always ingrained and therefore never questioned!

You is in our nature as humans to question when something new is forced upon us. It is just how it is! My native forefathers not only questioned the "white mans rules", but they fought back against those they felt were wrong. Or in todays words, "Not Politically Correct".

This country has gone through many social changes over the past 144 years. Many of those changes not even starting to happen until the mid 20th century!

It is arrogant of us to think that in less then 100 years we could even hope to be as thoughtful, or even come close to being as "Politically Correct" as the native people of this land.

America is the land of freedom....well it is supposed to be. Freedom of choice. Freedom of expression. Freedom of religion. FREEDOM OF SELF!!!!!!! The "Bill Of Rights" says so!

Yes you may not agree with my views. That is your right! You may have something to say about my views. That is your right as well. I will not censor you! I welcome discussion on this!

Until Next Time

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