Friday, June 19, 2009

Facebook VS MySpace

Who would win in a fight?

I don't know about you, but I have an account at both of these heavy weights.

So now we have to compare then to see where each would wind up!

Both are user friendly.
Both have lots of users.
Both have lots of apps to keep friends busy.
Both have "miniblogs" so you can post updates quickly.
Both have a way to invite and search for friends.
Both have an easy to work with API so users can build apps.
Both have a way to protect profiles so only those on your list can see your info.

Pretty evenly matched so far. I don't which boxer to root for in this fight...yet anyway!

Now let me go back through my email.

I have lots of friends online. many of whom are administrators of websites, most of which are traffic exchanges.

A few months back they was a huge mess in the TE world. It seems MySpace changed the coding on their pages. The new code included a bit of script that turned the TE industry on its ear for about 48 hours. You see...many marketers and band sites use myspace and also use traffic exchanges as well. it used to be you could use a bit of cade and call your MySpace profile details onto any webpage you liked. Just place the code in an iframe and it would display a bit of your profile and your online status. this was a boon to maketers and musicians alike.

Now comes the code change. All of a sudden pages were breaking frames. if you do not know what this means then please follow along!

TE's use what is called a frame for you to view sites in the "surfbar". There is an upper frame, the "surfbar" where the timer is located, along with the image or number you have to click to see the next site. then the lower frame where the site is displayed to the user (you) while you wait for the timer in the top frame to get to zero. Neat huh?

The new code introduced by MySpace would close the "surfbar" frame and display the entire site in the window. Thus ending your "surf session" and causing you to have to login again to continue. Needless to say the administrators started to get alot of complaints about sites breaking frames. It took about two weeks to figure out just what site was causing it. It was MySpace, and the new code they have introduced.

Dont get me wrong, I am all for advancing code, but to do it at the cost of others in not cool.

That is the handicap that MySpace has to overcome in order to even continue to compete with Facebook

The title at this time goes to Facebook. Sorry should of not ruined a good thing!

This is my two cents, just my opinion.

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