Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did somebody say TORNADO?

Yes they sure did! It passed right by my home today! I did not know at the time that it was a spawning tornado!

Just to bring you up to speed here.

I live in the mountains. No not little foothills mind you, but up in the mountains. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen here. Just Google Erwin Tennessee to find out more!

Back to the story.

At about 2:30 this afternoon my sister-in-law called. She said the tornado warning buzzers we going off in town. I looked outside and did not think much of it. Yeah the skies were dark, but they had been that way all day. We tell her to take the kids into the basement and wait it out.

Just about the time we hang up all hell breaks loose here! You see even though we technically live in Erwin, in reality we live a little over one mile outside of town. It starts to pour rain here and then the wind comes up out of nowhere! Not the normal winds with a bad storm mind you. The type of wind one sees make rain fly at 90 degrees to the ground! Tree limbs flying all over the place. Tree bark flying off of trees! Lightning everywhere! Those that live in tornado alley know what I am talking about. The reason I did not think it was a budding tornado at the time was the absence of hail.

After the storm passed we called our sister again. She said the buzzers were still going crazy! We decided to call the local sheriff’s office to see what was going on. That is when they informed us that a tornado had just gone down the river valley and touched down in Bumpus Cove! Hence, the reason for my tweet about it being five miles from my house. They advised us to take shelter ASAP!

Since we live in a mobile home, I took my family to my landlords (right next door), and we took shelter there! I kept an eye out to see if it was heading this way or not since we did not have a weather radio handy. The skies started to clear so we went out to have a look around.

First thing I noticed was the hangar! One of the doors was pulled out of its tracks and some of the facing removed from it. I hear somebody to my right say OMG! I turned to look and see the pear tree that stood near the entrance to their restaurant! It was snapped off near the base of the tree! Trash cans scattered around, branches every were. Even a piece of apple wood that I had just put behind the restaurant not an hour before was now 200 yards away from it!

I have NEVER been in a tornado before! Yes I have seen some VERY wild weather! Having lived in Phoenix Arizona, I am used to the monsoon season out there and the storms can be extreme! Never in my life have I ever seen anything quite like this!

It is just not supposed to happen in the mountains!

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