Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was on twitter just a few minutes ago.

A friend of mine had a post up about two Post Offices in Texas. It seems they were ordered to remove signs that quote the American Motto "In God We Trust"!

I don't know about you, but I am out raged! For Pete's sake, it is OUR motto. It is on ALL of our money! Any time you hold any American money in your hand you hold the American motto!

It is just like to fight over prayer in school! I just don't understand why people feel it is wrong! I as a child went to public school. We said the "Pledge of Allegiance" EVERY day. When we finished we said "AMEN". It was not expected, or demanded of us, it was just something my generation did! Then somebody came along and said WHOA, wait a minute, what about the separation of Church and State?

Hold on a second here!

What about the FREEDOM OF CHOICE?!?

I do agree that Church and State should be separate to some degree. To make it fully separate however will never happen.

You see for a minister to marry two people, they MUST first obtain a license from the STATE! Hmmmm I don't see any separation there! For them to divorce the STATE must grant it NOT the church. Again no separation! For a man or woman to be a minister the STATE must even license them. You guessed it, no separation.

So how can you few who want a complete separation be so arrogant? How can you say it offends children to pray in school? It may offend a few but again the principal come in to play "The WILL of the PEOPLE"

What this means is this.

A MAJORITY decides not a minority. If the MAJORITY decides that these things should not be I would not question the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. When a minority tries to force upon the people what they think is right...well I will stand up and fight!

Look at history!

The Nazi party was a minority. They tried to force upon the world their views. What happened was The Battle For Europe! Then the Japanese decided that they owned all of the pacific ocean. What happened then? The Battle For The Pacific! Those became World War II. Civil wars break out all the time because of people (normally a minority) try to force others to bend to their will (the majority).

Even the American Civil War was fought over one faction forcing its views upon the other! While I agree that slavery was and is wrong. The government should have tried harder to work towards a peaceful solution.

If you do not like the way your country is run you have three choices!
1) Run for office and change what you think needs to be changed!

2) Move out of the country!

3) Just live with it!

I know this seems harsh. Yes I am being direct here. I am just so tired of the minority trying to rule the majority!

Until next time.

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