Friday, November 13, 2009

Political Correctness

Hey all;
Sorry i have not posted in a while! Been on the road trying to find work. Not much luck for me!

O.K, so on to the post.

A very good friend of mine posted a comment on facebook. It got me to thinking. That is very dangerous, because once i get on to something i don't let up! Here is the comment!

" Do we take America back or do we back down to "Political Correctness"? I think NOT! Sometimes people will just get their feelings hurt, So what.... Get over it! It's a diverse nation, You can't please everyone! "

Thanks D... Really good fuel for thought!

So now on to my thoughts.

First of all...America does not even really belong to Us! Yes you heard me right! It belongs to the natives! We are all immigrants is some shape or fashion! Our forefathers stole the native's lands! So instead of taking America back...I think we should give it back. We need to include Native Americans in the decision process! Yes they get to vote! They get funds from us. BUT if we were to take a sampling of our governing body...very FEW of the Native Nations are directly represented!

We need to ask WHY!

Until we address this fundamental flaw in how our shared nation is represented we can never have "Political Correctness"!

I am not proud of our forefathers..well let me correct that statement. I am not proud of what one half of my forefathers did!
I am VERY proud of the other half of my forefathers. They tried to resist...they fought for what had been theirs for thousands of years! Yes they lost..but at least they tried!

We have all kinds of social rules to tell us how to be "Politically Correct".

Back in the days of our forefathers there were no set rules. There were however customs. These were passed down through each tribes elders. As they passed them down to the younger members of the tribe they in turn passed them along to their children. Thus insuring that the customs were always ingrained and therefore never questioned!

You is in our nature as humans to question when something new is forced upon us. It is just how it is! My native forefathers not only questioned the "white mans rules", but they fought back against those they felt were wrong. Or in todays words, "Not Politically Correct".

This country has gone through many social changes over the past 144 years. Many of those changes not even starting to happen until the mid 20th century!

It is arrogant of us to think that in less then 100 years we could even hope to be as thoughtful, or even come close to being as "Politically Correct" as the native people of this land.

America is the land of freedom....well it is supposed to be. Freedom of choice. Freedom of expression. Freedom of religion. FREEDOM OF SELF!!!!!!! The "Bill Of Rights" says so!

Yes you may not agree with my views. That is your right! You may have something to say about my views. That is your right as well. I will not censor you! I welcome discussion on this!

Until Next Time

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Week-end Review

Just a quick recap of this weeks posts!

The Law Of Attraction In Internet Marketing:
I covered what the Law has to do with it. I also stated that to be a better salesperson one should get to know the client and their needs.

IMHO They will be more apt to buy from someone they consider a friend rather then a "salesperson".

The American Motto:
In this post I covered a bit of news I found on twitter. Two post offices in Texas were ordered to take down signs which stated the American motto "In God We Trust". I kind of went on a tangent after that! Quite a good read so I am told.

Did somebody say TORNADO?:
What a day that was! A spawning tornado passed right over our house! A bit of damage and some really scary wind and lightning!

On this day I reflected upon my life! Came up with a new quote able at the same time!
"Reflection is the ability to look at where you have been, and see where you should have gone!"
I realized upon reflection that GOD had as much faith in me as I had in Him!

FaceBook VS MySpace:
In this post I did a quick comparison of the two mega giants in social networking. Kind of a an information piece but also a bit of comedy mixed in!

Giveaways Galore:
In this post I touched on the new fad in internet marketing, "Giveaways"! I gave you the inside info and a list of people I trust that host these events!
I also asked for a bit of help from my friends! I would still love to win the contest so here is the link one more time!
The Massive Summer Giveaway

Hope your weekend was better then mine! I had to work LOL Until next time!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Giveaways Galore!

"You said what????"

That is right I said it.

Giveaways are everywhere right now. Some good, and some not so good! I am involved in just a few at this time as a contributor. I am kind of picky as to who's giveaway I will contribute to at this time. You see I am trying to build awareness of my name and what I have to offer. I am not trying to go out and just get a list of people and continuously send them email after email to try to get them to buy something from me! I want people to get to know me first!

So yeah I am a bit picky over who's giveaway I join up in. With good reason mind you!

Jason James, Scott Case, Scott Drake, Jason Parker, Harold Bryant, Roy Fielding, Jerry Plumlee, Russell Brunson, are all names I trust in hosting a giveaway. They are marketers I have come to trust and respect! Yes I know it is hard to trust people who's job it is to SELL.

So how can a giveaway help you?

Pretty simple really. You get a ton of stuff free that would otherwise cost a small fortune! Yes you have to give in and sign up to a list to get the "product", but there are ways around having your main inbox chock full of marketing offers. One way is to get a email account from a web mail provider like Google. Then just use the google email account address when you sign up. Your primary address in spared the marketing emails, and you get great stuff to help you be a better marketer (ebooks, software, graphics) in whichever niche you are in. You can even just go and get them for your personal use if you like.

OK, so here is the 'pitch" in this post.

Like I said, I am in a few of the current giveaways. I need YOUR HELP in one of them. I have the chance to have a giveaway site designed and promoted by the hosts of this giveaway. To do this I have to be the top referer of new members. Heres the link!

The Massive Summer Giveaway

I know this is a lot to ask. if you folow what i said in the other paragraph then you will spare your inbox, and help out a fellow person to get thier business off the ground. One more time!

The Massive Summer Giveaway

"Five minutes of ones time is a small price to pay for an others happiness!" -Unknown

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Facebook VS MySpace

Who would win in a fight?

I don't know about you, but I have an account at both of these heavy weights.

So now we have to compare then to see where each would wind up!

Both are user friendly.
Both have lots of users.
Both have lots of apps to keep friends busy.
Both have "miniblogs" so you can post updates quickly.
Both have a way to invite and search for friends.
Both have an easy to work with API so users can build apps.
Both have a way to protect profiles so only those on your list can see your info.

Pretty evenly matched so far. I don't which boxer to root for in this fight...yet anyway!

Now let me go back through my email.

I have lots of friends online. many of whom are administrators of websites, most of which are traffic exchanges.

A few months back they was a huge mess in the TE world. It seems MySpace changed the coding on their pages. The new code included a bit of script that turned the TE industry on its ear for about 48 hours. You see...many marketers and band sites use myspace and also use traffic exchanges as well. it used to be you could use a bit of cade and call your MySpace profile details onto any webpage you liked. Just place the code in an iframe and it would display a bit of your profile and your online status. this was a boon to maketers and musicians alike.

Now comes the code change. All of a sudden pages were breaking frames. if you do not know what this means then please follow along!

TE's use what is called a frame for you to view sites in the "surfbar". There is an upper frame, the "surfbar" where the timer is located, along with the image or number you have to click to see the next site. then the lower frame where the site is displayed to the user (you) while you wait for the timer in the top frame to get to zero. Neat huh?

The new code introduced by MySpace would close the "surfbar" frame and display the entire site in the window. Thus ending your "surf session" and causing you to have to login again to continue. Needless to say the administrators started to get alot of complaints about sites breaking frames. It took about two weeks to figure out just what site was causing it. It was MySpace, and the new code they have introduced.

Dont get me wrong, I am all for advancing code, but to do it at the cost of others in not cool.

That is the handicap that MySpace has to overcome in order to even continue to compete with Facebook

The title at this time goes to Facebook. Sorry should of not ruined a good thing!

This is my two cents, just my opinion.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009


Where to start? How about a new quote i just thought up today?

"Reflection is the ability to look at where you have been, and see where you should have gone!"

We all reflect upon our lives. It is human nature to do so. The question is, should we?

I guess the next question should be, Fate or Destiny?

Are our lives controlled by some master plan? Or are we just winging it? Shaping our lives by the choices we make!

Now it comes down to a question of Faith!

This is a topic i have avoided for some time.

Being raised a Roman Catholic, I can say, I was raised with FAITH. However I can also say it is a denomination I will not force my children to follow.

You see I do have FAITH in GOD. I have FAITH in JESUS. I even have FAITH is some of the people in my life.

What I also have is FREE WILL. I have the right to choose. The choices I make affect my life and those around me. My FATE lies in the choices I make! While I know GOD is guiding me, I also know HE allows me to make choices to test me, and see if I make the choices HE would want me to.

When I reflect upon my life I can see the crossroads where i have made choices. I can see the tests I have passed, and the ones I have failed. I can also see that GOD has not given up on me. He continues to guide me even though I have made mistakes.

In total reflection of my life I can see. GOD has as much FAITH in ME as I have in HIM!
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did somebody say TORNADO?

Yes they sure did! It passed right by my home today! I did not know at the time that it was a spawning tornado!

Just to bring you up to speed here.

I live in the mountains. No not little foothills mind you, but up in the mountains. This kind of thing is not supposed to happen here. Just Google Erwin Tennessee to find out more!

Back to the story.

At about 2:30 this afternoon my sister-in-law called. She said the tornado warning buzzers we going off in town. I looked outside and did not think much of it. Yeah the skies were dark, but they had been that way all day. We tell her to take the kids into the basement and wait it out.

Just about the time we hang up all hell breaks loose here! You see even though we technically live in Erwin, in reality we live a little over one mile outside of town. It starts to pour rain here and then the wind comes up out of nowhere! Not the normal winds with a bad storm mind you. The type of wind one sees make rain fly at 90 degrees to the ground! Tree limbs flying all over the place. Tree bark flying off of trees! Lightning everywhere! Those that live in tornado alley know what I am talking about. The reason I did not think it was a budding tornado at the time was the absence of hail.

After the storm passed we called our sister again. She said the buzzers were still going crazy! We decided to call the local sheriff’s office to see what was going on. That is when they informed us that a tornado had just gone down the river valley and touched down in Bumpus Cove! Hence, the reason for my tweet about it being five miles from my house. They advised us to take shelter ASAP!

Since we live in a mobile home, I took my family to my landlords (right next door), and we took shelter there! I kept an eye out to see if it was heading this way or not since we did not have a weather radio handy. The skies started to clear so we went out to have a look around.

First thing I noticed was the hangar! One of the doors was pulled out of its tracks and some of the facing removed from it. I hear somebody to my right say OMG! I turned to look and see the pear tree that stood near the entrance to their restaurant! It was snapped off near the base of the tree! Trash cans scattered around, branches every were. Even a piece of apple wood that I had just put behind the restaurant not an hour before was now 200 yards away from it!

I have NEVER been in a tornado before! Yes I have seen some VERY wild weather! Having lived in Phoenix Arizona, I am used to the monsoon season out there and the storms can be extreme! Never in my life have I ever seen anything quite like this!

It is just not supposed to happen in the mountains!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was on twitter just a few minutes ago.

A friend of mine had a post up about two Post Offices in Texas. It seems they were ordered to remove signs that quote the American Motto "In God We Trust"!

I don't know about you, but I am out raged! For Pete's sake, it is OUR motto. It is on ALL of our money! Any time you hold any American money in your hand you hold the American motto!

It is just like to fight over prayer in school! I just don't understand why people feel it is wrong! I as a child went to public school. We said the "Pledge of Allegiance" EVERY day. When we finished we said "AMEN". It was not expected, or demanded of us, it was just something my generation did! Then somebody came along and said WHOA, wait a minute, what about the separation of Church and State?

Hold on a second here!

What about the FREEDOM OF CHOICE?!?

I do agree that Church and State should be separate to some degree. To make it fully separate however will never happen.

You see for a minister to marry two people, they MUST first obtain a license from the STATE! Hmmmm I don't see any separation there! For them to divorce the STATE must grant it NOT the church. Again no separation! For a man or woman to be a minister the STATE must even license them. You guessed it, no separation.

So how can you few who want a complete separation be so arrogant? How can you say it offends children to pray in school? It may offend a few but again the principal come in to play "The WILL of the PEOPLE"

What this means is this.

A MAJORITY decides not a minority. If the MAJORITY decides that these things should not be I would not question the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. When a minority tries to force upon the people what they think is right...well I will stand up and fight!

Look at history!

The Nazi party was a minority. They tried to force upon the world their views. What happened was The Battle For Europe! Then the Japanese decided that they owned all of the pacific ocean. What happened then? The Battle For The Pacific! Those became World War II. Civil wars break out all the time because of people (normally a minority) try to force others to bend to their will (the majority).

Even the American Civil War was fought over one faction forcing its views upon the other! While I agree that slavery was and is wrong. The government should have tried harder to work towards a peaceful solution.

If you do not like the way your country is run you have three choices!
1) Run for office and change what you think needs to be changed!

2) Move out of the country!

3) Just live with it!

I know this seems harsh. Yes I am being direct here. I am just so tired of the minority trying to rule the majority!

Until next time.

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