Thursday, June 11, 2009

Who should you or I trust?

In this day and age...
Every Internet Marketer seems to be a guru. They all have the "sure fire" way for you to explode your lists of hungry buyers! How can we be sure of this however? You read the sales pages of the so called guru's and what do you see? "How I made millions with this simple trick!"

Well what is simple to them may not be as simple to you and I.

From what I have read and what I have bought, most of this stuff was done in 2006 and 2007! While it worked back then...most agree it most likely will not work as well now! You are I may have a bit of success.... The question begs to be asked however.

What is your real goal? Is it to really help us "newbies" make a buck, or is it to make a buck yourself off of the hopes of newbies like us?

My personal feeling is this.
What we are being asked to buy is quite simply PLR (Private Label Rights) ebooks that were written back in 2005/2006. The words have been changed a bit, the dates, and the name of the author to suit the new seller.
Now please don't get me wrong. PLR is a way for people to make money online. In some cases quite a bit of money can be made!

What we need is for a "guru" to step forward and make a solemn promise to us newbies!
"No re-hashed junk in my PLR products!"
Very few of the marketers out there today seem to have genuine products. I have met a few in my recent travels around the net.
Scott Case
Here is a marketer who has a product that other marketers need and use! If you want to host a giveaway Scott is the man to get your script from!
Jason James
Here is a marketer who has set the standard for product launches! He has had at least 3 launches that have netted over 100k each! He is a man to learn from!
Scott Drake
Here is a marketer who is not afraid to voice his opinion! We need this sort of person working with us. Just to remind us it is ok to be you!
Roy Fielding
Here is a man who is not afraid to take you under his wing and teach you all he knows! I have been on Roy's list the longest! He even talked to me on the phone! Not to many marketers will use the personal touch!
Juan Delgado
Juan dabbles in Internet Marketing. He is more focused on direct sales and teaching. You could say the lessons I have learned from Juan is why I started this blog. I am new to his list! His blogging newsletters have inspired me!

I am still making my way around the extensive list of marketers out there! I will report to you my feelings on each of the marketers I come into contact with!

Until next time!

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