Friday, June 12, 2009

Social Media Marketing........

what is the fuss all about?

I will admit it... I have a Facebook and a MySpace and as you can see at the bottom of my posts, I have a Twitter as well.

I had facebook and myspace long before I got my feet wet as an internet marketer. I am still new to Twitter however. It seems every where I look....Twitter is the place to be to sell if you are a marketer.

How did Twitter manifest itself into this sort of place? One only has to look at the front page of Twitter to see it is a place for people (friends) to send short messages about "What are you doing". Yet when you see a message from a marketer (most of them anyway) it has nothing to do with what he or she is doing at that exact moment, but rather what they have to sell.

I don't know about the rest of you...I would like to see some more personal stuff from them. Only a couple on my list post personal things. To those I say thank you! You know who you are too! Yes i think if that happens the Magic could have a 3-1 lead!

You may think I am being self-serving here. Maybe you think...well he is an internet marketer himself and he is saying all this stuff. To tell the truth yes I am starting out in Internet Marketing. Yes I started out going with the flow, and all my twitter posts were about selling something. I am also human. I like to have a bit of humanity directed towards me everyday.

Think what you like... These are my two cents!

Follow me on Twitter

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